MainStream Group in the interests of the Customer conducts works on legal entities’ accreditation in order to significantly minimize risks when entering into contractual relations.
Accreditation of a legal entity may be conducted within the framework of pre-contractual work to allow the other party to participate in the tender, or when taking a decision on further cooperation.

Objective of legal entities’ accreditation – analysis of financial and economic indicators and economic activity, detection of risks in connection with the other party’s activity and/or activity of main officers (head, director, founders).

During the process of conducting an accreditation in the interests of the Customer in order to confirm whether the other party has productive capacities, employees or other key elements crucial for the cooperation, employees of MainStream Group may take trips to the other party’s locations.

Based on the results of a study on a company, which is undergoing accreditation, the Customer will be provided with the report-conclusion containing the accreditation results, as well as the conclusion regarding the other party reliability. Structured informational report with the detailed information will be provided in a separate Appendix.